Richard Cranefield Photography presents…

A unique fine-art portrait session in a relaxed environment.

Commissioning a portrait is a great way to mark key moments in your life or that of a loved one.

What Is a Kitchen Studio Session?

The Kitchen Studio Sessions are a more relaxed and affordable portrait session compared to working in a photography or film studio.

My aim is to strip away some of the formality of a studio shoot and do something that is a little more of a relaxed experience.

Who Are They For?

Sessions are open for anyone aged 10 and over.

Clients have used the images for this session for mounting on their walls, corporate and social media headshots, and album and music artwork.

Portrait sessions make a great gift to celebrate key moments in life like birthdays, graduations or the end of exams and school.

What’s The Cost?

A Kitchen Studio Session only costs £500. That includes about an hour of shoot time which is plenty for a number of outfit changes.

The fee also includes professional retouching of the images from the shoot and a single 8x10 fine-art print of your choice.

Additional prints and framing are available and I can even work with you on wall-layout design using my custom frame design tool.

Where Do They Happen?

The shoots take place in my personal studio space where I usually test equipment, work on more experimental stuff and personal projects.

Because we’re using this space and aren’t in a studio I aim to make the experience to feel more homely, more chilled out.

We’ll have some coffee, some pastries, put some music on and we’ll create some lovely portraits unconstrained by studio booking times.

If you would like to register for a Kitchen Studio Session leave me your details and I’ll be in touch straight away.